Plan to wear comfortable clothing. You will remain fully clothed, remove your shoes, any magnetic jewelry/watch, and lay on a massage table face up. I will cover you with a blanket, optional eye pillow, and gently place my hands on your body, working with your energy centers (or chakras) starting at the crown of your head and moving down toward your feet to conclude the session.
During the session, you may feel relaxed, warmth, coolness, tingling or lightness. Each treatment is 75 minutes and completely customized to what you are going through and your desired goals. If you don’t know, that’s ok! You will receive layers of vibrational medicine and intuitive energy balancing techniques to cleanse and reset your energy. There is no preparation or effort involved on your part other than to just relax and be open to the Reiki energy flowing to wherever it’s most needed.
Third Eye
Solar Plexus
Chakras (Sanskrit for “wheels”) - non-physical vortexes of energy that are placed in seven different points on the spinal column. These circular energy centers transform vital life force into forms usable for the functioning of the body and mind.
Can you stay open to all possibilities without needing to have all the answers?
Some people fall asleep, some see color (through closed eyes), and others get emotional. Everyone responds differently…there is no right or wrong. Results may or may not be dramatic or evident during the session itself; for some people the healing shifts happen over time, while for others the changes are immediate and lasting.
You do not have to believe the Reiki energy works in order to receive its benefit. It happens independently of belief system, emotional state or religious preference. And yes, it is still just as effective if you happen to doze off during the session. Sounds too simple, right? That’s because it is…our bodies are truly incredible and wiser than most of us realize.
The effects of Reiki therapy may be felt physically, or they may result in an attitude shift, a creative insight, a solution to an exasperating problem, or in a variety of other nonphysical ways. Nonetheless, you will leave the session feeling relaxed and amazing!
All that being said, we still have a choice because Reiki respects our right to free will.
A treatment includes:
Brief intake process
Chakra reading
Reiki Therapy
Auric cleansing
Light sage/Palo Santo burning