My name is Rachel. I’m a woman of faith, wife, mom, yogi, empath, and cancer survivor. They say Reiki finds you, you don’t find it and always when the time is right. Well, this couldn’t be more true in my experience.

I discovered the power of Reiki healing during my recovery from breast cancer. I had recently undergone an intense treatment plan which thankfully was successful in eradicating my cancer. When survival mode was no longer necessary, I found myself in a very fragile state that is difficult to put into words.

I knew I needed healing on many levels and my physical body had finally slowed down for long enough to realize and accept this truth. Prior to my diagnosis, I had always “powered through” regardless of how I felt. I knew it was time for a fresh start. For me, this meant less “doing” and more “being” – surrendering to the quiet spaces within my soul. My mind was resistant initially, but my heart had bigger plans.

If we want to live a Wholehearted life, we have to become intentional about letting go of exhaustion as a status symbol and productivity as self-worth.
— Brene Brown

I am very grateful for my journey which has led me to bring this same healing energy to others. I am a Reiki Master trained in the Usui method of first-, second-, and third-degree Reiki. Reiki finds you when (and if) the timing is right. It won’t feel forced…you may just feel drawn to it, it keeps coming up in your experience, and you’re not quite sure why.

My personal experience with having received Reiki healing during my recovery is that it helped with the following (once I had exhausted all other options):

  • Lingering fatigue

  • Sleep disturbances

  • Pain management

  • Anxiety

  • PTSD

  • Emotional processing (most of which I was unaware I needed!)

I think it is also important to note that regular yoga practice, meditation, and acupuncture were also instrumental to my healing.

We are not here to suffer and empty our cups. We are here to thrive, so that our cups may overflow. We are here to share a new way of being, a world where we all may rise and thrive.
— Ashmi Pathela